Welcome to Undercover Quilters

Our October 2025 Quilt Show is fast approaching. Click here for more information.

President’s Message

Welcome to our website! For sewers and quilters who are not in a quilting guild, I encourage you to join Undercover Quilters! All are welcome including men and women with an interest in sewing and quilting. The Undercover Quilt Guild members are a wonderful group of friendly, talented sewers who enjoy fellowship around sewing and quilting. Our meetings include a speaker, gently used magazine and book sales, goodie basket raffles, a brief business meeting, and best of all Show-and-Tell when guild members share their projects big and small and receive lots of applause! Our philanthropic work includes making Kids Quilts, Veterans quilts, pillowcases for Ryans Cases for Smiles and supporting the Fair Acres Geriatric Center in various ways. We organize a yearly weekend retreat in April and hold a wonderful quilt show every other year. Blocks of the Month, Mystery Quilts, and workshops round out our educational programs. Sew-ins provide time to work on projects while socializing with other members. There is something for everyone! Come join the fun! 

To the members of the Undercover Quilt Guild thank you for all your contributions! We would not be such a successful, active guild without you stepping forward to join the Executive committee positions, contribute and volunteer at our Quilt Show, and share your skills with others. Thank you for your generosity of time and talent and support of your fellow guild members!

Chris Hagendorf, President

New members are always welcome. Interested in becoming a member? Click the link below for more information.

This Month’s Meeting


Guild Calendar

Meeting Time and Location

All Undercover Quilters Guild Meetings are held at the
Brookhaven Municipal Building
Community Room
​2 Cambridge Road
Brookhaven, PA 19015.

We meet in person the second Monday of each month at 7 pm September thru December and March thru June. January and February. meetings are held via Zoom.

Executive Board Meetings are held quarterly via Zoom. All guild members are welcome to attend these meetings.

Make sure to check our guild calendar here for the most up to date information on our monthly meeting programs, dates and times.

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As of March 9, 2022, we will follow Brookhaven Municipal Building COVID guidelines which is optional masks.

Undercover Quilters (UCQ) is a non-profit organization established in 1986 to connect people interested in quilts while promoting fellowship among guild members and service to the community. Our goal is to support and encourage the art of quilt making, today and historically, and to encourage each member to improve their own workmanship through the sharing of knowledge, skills, and experience. Questions? Contact undercoverquilters@hotmail.com.